A downloadable game

Name: Frogs to Apples, Developed by Sarah Lopez

High Concept: The king of an unknown land is searching for an apple to cure his daughter’s illness. The daughter’s condition has not been improving, and she has been forced to be bedridden for several weeks, so the king has decided to make a public announcement to his kingdom. The king declared that any man who can retrieve a basket of apples to cure his sick daughter will have their hand at marriage and royalty. The game will have at least four players, and will be a board game with a start and finish with different paths. 

Assets: Cards representing apples and frogs, a game board, one die.

Target audience: Individuals over the age of eleven who are familiar with playing board games.

Heuristic goals: Maximize player choice by giving them alternate paths to take when gathering the apple cards.

Pitch: The goal of my game is to encourage the players to compete against each other to gain the most apple cards by the end of the game. This game can have a wide appeal from children to young adults, which would make the game’s profitability more favorable.

Victory Condition: Victory condition: The first player to collect 10 apple cards and reach the finished part of the board ( i.e, the princess) wins the game.


 1) Players initially start off with zero pennies.

2) Players must roll on dice to move. If they land on a square where the apples go bad, then they lose the apples that they have collected thus far.

3) If players role less than 2 on the die, then they must stay on the same square.


Sarah Lopez GD 101 Project 2 Narrative.pdf 31 kB

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